Saturday, 28 December 2013

Impact of Social Media over SEO

Over last few years, social media has grown very quickly, with over millions of users on the social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Reports show that one million links are shared in Facebook in every 20 minutes. With much of the content being shared on such social media platforms, it can benefit the search engines in finding out the best possible result desired by the users.
Google and other search engines are growing day by day, not just with the social media presence, but also in terms of social media that affects the search results. Therefore, setting up certain standards for the content that is being shared is necessary to be seen on the top page of search results. While creating content, one should maintain certain standards to be viewed on the SERPs:

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Most Important Deliverables To Consider During Website Development

There are many web development and SEO companies that strive hard to deliver results but it is important to understand and recognize the companies that offer the best in terms of design and quality. All web design projects should begin by aiming at some core deliverables that are required to build the website and to make it a success.
Let's have a look at the top important deliverables that every website design company should offer to their web designing clients.
1. Initial Site Architecture
This is an important aspect to be considered before deciding the color theme, image sliders or even the layout of the website in consideration. The Initial site architecture will lead to deciding the internal linking structure and the site navigation map. This aspect will show you the outline of the website pages and a brief about the content that will go in each page. This structure s later materialized into what is known as sitemap. This is an essential step to be taken while developing a website.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Boosting Social Engagement in 2014

Social media platform is one of the most effective platforms that have been adopted by most of the marketers to promote a business. Social media campaigns should be carried out smartly, to make sure that the campaign turns out to be as effective one. Below are the four social media strategies that every marketer could implement to carry out a successful social media campaign.

1.      Making social presence on Multiple Channels
Engagement with Facebook and Twitter is not enough, audiences are present on such social networking sites in a wide range, but at the same time audiences are also present on other social networks too, therefore, social presence of business on those social networking sites is equally important. Use the content sharing on different channels according to its functions and audiences and implement the social tactics that manage one streamlined campaign.

2.      Quality content that encourages consumers to get engaged
It is necessary to analyse and understand what the customers want, what are they looking for. Creating content that interests the fans is important, as it helps grabbing the attention and this way, people know about a business or a brand that is being promoted. Encouraging the social audiences to create content themselves and are likely to share it further will result in a strong reach to more audiences.

3.      Creating Community Platform
Marketers can make use of community platforms to reach more audiences. Creating a community strategy may turn out to be an effective strategy which gives consumers to have a bigger voice and be a part of broader community. Engaging the audiences by asking various questions and polls will be a good strategy. A friendly forum is always good to have a conversation about various topics and elevate brand’s social credibility.

4.      Enhancing personality of Fan Page
The look and layout of the fan page must sooth one’s eye so that one must stick to the fan page and keep checking for the updates. Using media such as different photographs, videos also contribute to the social reach of the page. Creativity fosters the social engagement of a page, therefore, creativity on the social platform is a must.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Google’s Top Trending Searches For 2013

With Google having published its list of top ten global trending searches of 2013, it is now clear what people searched the maximum this year on the search engine giant. Without any doubt, Madiba rules the hearts. To many, it must be an unsurprising fact that the #1 trending searches of 2013 was an international symbol of strength and peace: Nelson Mandela.

The global search interest for the former President of South Africa was very high even before his passing away. And now after him, people from all over the world have turned to Google to learn about the life and contributions of Nelson Mandela’s legacy.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Mobile Apps: To boost the performance of business

Smartphones have drastically changes lives of not only a common people but mainly business professionals. Smartphones supports a variety of mobile applications that make life of people convenient. Businesses have started understanding the multiple advantages of the mobile applications and have started utilizing them to benefit the business.

MobileApps provide a number of benefits to the people, smartphones have replaced the normal personal computers and people can access no matter where they are, it has become more convenient as well as efficient. Mobile apps are now one of the advertisement strategy used to promote a business. It has made most business communications smoother and effective.

By developing a mobile app for a business benefits brands awareness, and spreads about the business to a wide range of people and also to the social media platforms. A well performing app will be welcomed by everyone and this way the advertisement will be carried out. Mobile app development encourages a business to get a good edge over its competitors, if they make use of innovation and ideas and the application gives advantage to its user. This way, customer interaction is generated.

If a client makes a deal with a company, it is important to sustain the client for the long term basis, loyalty from both sides should be there. With mobile apps, loyalty is enhanced, by making it easier for the customers to interact with the company through apps. People find it convenient to use it and by adding some interesting features in the app, generates interests and fetches more clients, it is also a new way to generate revenue for the business, investing lesser and ROI in greater.

Therefore, Mobile Apps development is a good strategy to get business from the world that is now surrounded by technology. It helps a business to promote it to a wide range of audiences and at the same time it helps a business to generate revenue.  

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

How to initiate Social Media interaction with Blog Content

A blog plays an important role for a business; it is an individual medium for educating the clients and audiences about the kind of work being done. A blog represents its clients and readers about the unique selling proposition, the expert knowledge that is demonstrated, and the trust factor to be made. Not only this, but also a blog serves are a medium for social media content and encourages interaction with several others on the social media platforms. A blog can do very well for a business and encourage the social media crowd to visit the blog and maintain the interest and subscribing to the blogs whenever a new one is being updated. This brings greater level of engagement and effectively grows and makes the trust stronger and increase and maintain the audiences as well as making the business go viral.
Getting audiences for the blog is not easy and making the blog content interact with the social media platforms is not easy as well, therefore it requires proper ideas and strategies. There are few tips to improve the social media interaction with the blog content:
·         Providing simple call to action
A blog should have a simple and precise Call to Action so that it encourages the readers to interact or get engaged. Encouraging the visitors/readers/clients to give response to various topics is very important. Therefore, implementation of something that initiate interaction is mandatory.
·         Insisting readers to initiate discussion
Theblog content should match the expectations of the readers so that such it should initiate a discussion and for that the topic being discussed or shared should be interesting. The content should prompt in such a way that it should initiate a conversation; the blog should contain prompts like questions and opinions, probing for people to share their experiences and so on.
·         Highlighting short amusing story
Different demographics and audiences will have different choices and preferences for where and how they interact with the content. Some people might not be interested to commenting on a blog but may be more interested in interacting with the same on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Short stories can be made on the topic present in the log which may encourage the reader to respond to it.
·         Respond to all
It is necessary to respond to whatever responses are being received by the readers. Whether it is a comment, or a question or even when a reader shares the blog content, a response is necessary so as to build and maintain a relationship with the reader. No comments or questions shall be left unanswered as it discourages not just one, but many.

It will be great to chat with you and know your views about the topic in the comments.  

Friday, 6 December 2013

Online reputation management to enhance business

When a business is set up, it starts offering its products and services, people approach and use them, the story never ends here. In the present scenario, where people are connected to each other over the internet, not only individuals, but also businesses are spread across the internet world to promote themselves.

Running a business is not just about providing services and influencing the customers to buy the products, but it is also about finding out what the customers think about the products and services being served, whether it is liked by them or not, what improvements are required to satisfy the customers and so on.