blog plays an important role for a business; it is an individual medium for
educating the clients and audiences about the kind of work being done. A blog
represents its clients and readers about the unique selling proposition, the
expert knowledge that is demonstrated, and the trust factor to be made. Not
only this, but also a blog serves are a medium for social media content and
encourages interaction with several others on the social media platforms. A
blog can do very well for a business and encourage the social media crowd to
visit the blog and maintain the interest and subscribing to the blogs whenever
a new one is being updated. This brings greater level of engagement and
effectively grows and makes the trust stronger and increase and maintain the audiences
as well as making the business go viral.
audiences for the blog is not easy and making the blog content interact with
the social media platforms is not easy as well, therefore it requires proper
ideas and strategies. There are few tips to improve the social media
interaction with the blog content:
simple call to action
blog should have a simple and precise Call to Action so that it encourages the
readers to interact or get engaged. Encouraging the visitors/readers/clients to
give response to various topics is very important. Therefore, implementation of
something that initiate interaction is mandatory.
readers to initiate discussion
Theblog content should match the expectations of the readers so that such it
should initiate a discussion and for that the topic being discussed or shared
should be interesting. The content should prompt in such a way that it should
initiate a conversation; the blog should contain prompts like questions and
opinions, probing for people to share their experiences and so on.
short amusing story
demographics and audiences will have different choices and preferences for
where and how they interact with the content. Some people might not be
interested to commenting on a blog but may be more interested in interacting
with the same on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
Short stories can be made on the topic present in the log which may encourage
the reader to respond to it.
to all
is necessary to respond to whatever responses are being received by the
readers. Whether it is a comment, or a question or even when a reader shares
the blog content, a response is necessary so as to build and maintain a
relationship with the reader. No comments or questions shall be left unanswered
as it discourages not just one, but many.
It will be great to chat with you and know your
views about the topic in the comments.